Day 30–nablopomo

It’s the last day of nablopomo and I’ve been absent since 11/17.

I am totally fine with that.

Why? Because blogging is what you make of it. For me it means I’m likely just living in the moments and not thinking about writing. Or more likely–thinking about the writing and not posting as is typically the case with me. Either way, I’m calling it a success because I’ve done more posts this month than I have all year, so that’s saying something. A win, for sure.

Here’s what I’ve been up to:

  1. I’ve joined a gym. I’m digging it. It’s so hard, but makes me feel so good. Especially after I get over each session’s soreness, which means it’s time to get back in there again. I’m sore around muscles in my ribs that I didn’t even know existed. Maybe they didn’t which is why they are sore. It has to be good to working these parts of my body. It feels good anyway. I also took a velo (spin) class which was a huge physical and mental hurdle. I tore the muscles around my left sacroiliac joint 10 years ago (last) January doing spinning. It took a long time to diagnose and an even longer time to “recover” with various treatments (spinal injections and physical therapies). I still have chronic issues running the gamut from nothing to soreness, to physical pain, to nerve pain running the full length of my left leg; restless legs at night drive me nuts. The best thing for it (and me) is continual movement. Getting back on the bike is huge for me. I love the mental release it gives me, although now I have to constantly focus on form, not unlike when I’m running. Plus I sweat my ass off because it’s a hard aerobic workout.
  2. Pies baked and consumed: 3 (plus one apple tart)
  3. Bowls of tofu nabe made and consumed: I’ve lost count, but likely somewhere around 8.
  4. I took down the Halloween decorations, but left up the orange lights. That’s fall, right? My neighbors with the christmas lights up may beg to differ. I differ with how they maintain their yard (they don’t) so I’m gonna call it even.
  5. I taught someone how to sew improvisational quilt blocks. I talked to my best friend from high school about how to do the sashing on her first quilt. These things warm my heart.
  6. I signed up for an individual membership for the Modern Quilt Guild. When asked if I had any “special talents” to share with guild members I checked “yes” at first, then changed it to “no.” This broke my heart a little.
  7. I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of korean skin care. I regret nothing.
  8. I started making quilt blocks for a new christmas quilt. Like I need that. humpf.
  9. It was 65-70 degrees for the high up until about 4 days ago. It was lovely and we’ve hiked and hiked. It’s now back to 50’s for the high. Still can’t complain though. We were spoiled this fall.
  10. Prince Harry got engaged! Contemplating taking off work for the wedding if it will be televised. I am that person. Also does anyone have cable and want to host?
  11. I may have a name for my new business? I’ve said that before. These things are tough. More later.
  12. Being a perfectionist is hard. See #11.
  13. I got my hair cut today. I love haircut day.
  14. How many times is too many times to watch the Great British Baking Show on Netflix? #askingforafriend
  15. Same for Terrace House. And Terrace House Aloha State.
  16. I just can’t take the number of cases of sexual harassment/misconduct/abuse reported in the news. Too many to hyperlink. Our current reality as a nation is disturbing on so many levels.
  17. Number of rounds of Settlers of Catan played: 4 (or 5).
  18. I’ve started thinking about Christmas. And my love of twinkle lights. And how to get more in my life. Also, peppermint hand soap.
  19. I bought new boots over the internet (2 pair!) post thanksgiving. Seems so indulgent. But considering my other pair is nearly 11 years old. What an excruciating decision-making process. I’ll try them on this weekend. Fingers crossed.
  20. We might be catching a cold.

Happy Nablopomo ya’ll. Thanks for following. xoxo E

gym pep talk


Ten years ago (yesterday) we said yes, although truth be told we have been together for 26. We got engaged on a Thursday while building the night’s fire in the wood stove (he bought the rings–surprise! Tungsten carbide, which is entirely appropriate.) and wed on Friday, during our lunch hour, at the courthouse. Our witnesses were strangers. There was no fanfare. We have one blurry photo to show for it, plus a lifetime of love. Good decision.

Our reading:

[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in]

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
                                                      i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

Kumano Kodo: Day 2

I was really sore from pilates yesterday, and a run the day before that and yet we hiked. And hiked, and hiked. Longer on the City Creek Trail than we have ever done. I don’t know how far. All I know is that my fitbit buzzed a little bit after the turn around point. And today, I have zero photos to show for it. What I do have is a memory full of hiking with intention, and yet lots of daydreaming. A good balance I suppose. Watching where I put my feet. Thinking about how healthy they feel compared to this time last year when I was in pain on both, likely with plantar fasciitis. But they are healed, save for maybe a little tendonitis in my right metatarsals (extensor tendonitis). Nothing I don’t feel like I can’t work through. More calf stretching is needed apparently.

Daydreaming about Japan a lot lately. This time last year we were there and I can’t help trying to figure out when our next visit will be or if I’ll be able to live there at some point in the future. Google photos keeps reminding me of what I was doing this day last year, as if I’ve forgotten. Seems like a fine thing to share here. These are from the Nakahechi route of the Kumano Kodo (11/12/17) and then the hiking route over a mountain to Yunomine Onsen. Scheming to go back.

Third generation operators of Chikatsuya Minshuku. So sweet. Yoroshiko onegaishimasu.

Tired feet and bodies riding the bus to skip ahead a few miles. Mountain road views.


All are welcome on the Kumano Kodo.

Oyunohara in the distance. Pilgrims in the foreground.

Entrance to Hongu Taisha from the Kumano Kodo Nakahechi trail.

Hongu Taisha shrine purification.

Entrance to Hongu Taisha. No photos allowed in the shrine.

Steps leading up from the parking area at Hongu Taisha for the non-hiking pilgrims.

Oyunohara. (huge torii gate!)

Steep steps up the mountain over to Yunomine Onsen.

Choose your own adventure Kumano Kodo style.

Street of Yunomine Onsen. Boiling river water from the onsen that flows into the stream. The onsen itself is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

View from Minshuku Omuraya in Kawayu Onsen. Lovely river.



  • Spent the better part of the morning trying to figure out how to rollover employee stock, and deal with 401k accounts. This is not my strong suit. I feel totally inadequate on these things, and lack confidence and the right words. My pits sweat that nervous sweat and I have to psych myself up and write out all of the questions I want to ask. And then their system was down. grrrr…
  • I own one pair of tall boots and have had them for 10 or 11 years. They were pricy at the time, bull full leather, and good quality. The left one has a hole in the sole and I spent too much time last winter with a wet foot. Started the replacement shopping. No luck. Not convinced what I want (which is my old boots, but new) exist.
  • Bought some new foundation. Laura Mercier. So grownup. The color match is excellent. She said I had really great skin. I said she probably says that to everyone. She said in fact, if it isn’t true she doesn’t say anything. I said thanks. Moisturizer, sunblock, and sunglasses folks. And good genes. #thanksmom
  • I didn’t want to, but I went for a run. It was awesome. So then I did some core work, squats, and other random things. And stretched. Pilates tomorrow.
  • Starting to get cold. Will likely need winter running gear. Contemplating gym membership to get through the winter.
  • The system was back up. The ESOP sale occurred which means I am divested and can now work without a conflict of interest. This puts me at ease. One thing done. Many to go.
  • Eye appointment Monday. Might be time for the dreaded b-word: bifocals.

chilly sunset run

10 things*

  1. I forgot my work computer at home and had to immediately turn around and go back. The new pavement section was open and the signing and striping is fresh.
  2. It never ceases to amaze me that there are seagulls in Utah. And that they hang out in my work parking lot.
  3. We are finally starting to click in our roles and work together as a team. It only took four months. Presentation tomorrow.
  4. So needed this. Note to self: get some paperwhites.
  5. It still feels weird to have the tables turned. Once again I am the client.
  6. Leaving work in the dark. Sucks.
  7. The gate was closed when I got home. I immediately burst into tears. No four-legged friend who’s happy to see me. When will this get easier?
  8. We voted early. And walked together in the dark to drop off our ballots.
  9. Following the directions on the gyoza makes for optimal cooking results.
  10. I think I am getting closer to a name and logo.

* inspired by Justine who was inspired by Somersault.